Computer software / software: Is a general term primarily used for set of instruction such as programming. OR Software: “a set of a instructions given to the computer to solve a problem.”
“Software is a single/ collection of programs that performs a particular task.” Software is also called program. Different software’s are used to solve different programs.
Software Categories into
I. System software: Is a software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide and maintain a platform for running application software. OR
System software: Is the term referring to any computer software which manages and control the hardware so that application software can perform a task. For example operating system, compiler, loader, linker and interpreter.
Ø Operating system: Is software, which makes a computer to actually work. It is software that enables all programs that we use. The OS organized and control software. OS acts as an interface between the application programs and machine hardware. Example windows, Linux, Unix and DOS
a. GUI - Short for graphical user interface, a GUI operating system contain graphic and icons and commonly navigated by using a computer mouse.
b. Multi-user – A multi-user operating system allows for multiples users to use the same computer at the same time and different times.
c. Multiprocessing – An operating system capable of supporting and utilizing more than one computer processor.
d. Multitasking – operating system that is capable of allowing multiple software processes to run at the same time.
e. Multithreading – Operating systems that allow different parts of software program to run concurrently.
f. Embedded system – Operating systems designed to operate on small machines like PDAs with less autonomy. They are able to operate with limited number of resources
Ø Compiler: Is a program that read a programs in one language – the source of language and translate into an equivalent program in another language- target language ( machine understandable language).
Ø Interpreter: Is a computer program that translates and executing instruction written in computer programming language line –by –line, unit by unit ect.
An interpreter needs to be able to analysis or parse, instruction written in the source language. Example lips system etc.
2.) Application software include program that do real work for user. Example Payroll system, manage student database system, word processor etc.
It is any system software besides the operating system that helps to maintain, manage, and protect computer system resources
· OS are becoming more complex
· Keeps computer running smoothly
· Helps to protect OS on the internet
They are much software that help to protects and keeps computer to running smoothly, such as:-
I. Defragmentation and disks utilities
II. Backup utilities
III. Security software
IV. Spam and pop-up Blockers
V. Windows cleaners
VI. Diagnostic software
VII. File management utilities
VIII. CD/DVD Burners
IX. File transfer utilities
X. Search utilities
I. Provide an interface to user
II. Managing system resource
III. Managing security and access right
IV. Running application
V. Process management
VI. Memory management
VII. Extended machine
VIII. Mastermind
IX. Booting the computer
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